Welcome to our 2 new CDIO member schools

After the The CDIO Fall meeting in Portugal, it is our pleasure to inform you that the International CDIO Council has accepted 2 new member of the CDIO Initiative:

  • NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Norway
  • University West - Sweden

1. NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

About the school
NTNU specialices in technology and the natural sciences, and also offers a range of bachelor's master's and doctoral programmes in the humanities, social sciences, economics, health sciences, education science, and aestetic disciplines. In addition to technology, they offer professional degree programmes in medicine, psychology, architecture, the fine arts, music, and teacher education. Of a total of 39 000 students, about half study technology and the natural sciences. Some 3000 are international students, as NTNU participates in dozens of international student exchange programmes and more than 300 agreements with 60 universities worldwide. They award about 6500 bachelor's and master's degrees each year, and about 380 doctoral degrees (of which 44% women).

What goals do you hope to achieve by becoming a CDIO Member?
- NTNY will further develop and strenghten a strong coherent vision about science and engineering education. Joining CDIO Initiative will help us to accelerate the reform of education design, of teaching-learning activities, of assessment practices, and of developing the quality of the students' learning. Joining the initiative contributes to the establishment of networks internally and internationally, with broad buy-in among faculty members.

Contact information
School profile: NTNU
CDIO primary contact: Reidar Lyng

2. University West, Sweden

About the school
University West in Trollhättan is a modern university which offers education collaborating with work-life in an attractive and modern study environment. They focus on the student and learning. Work integrated learning as perspective and method permeates the work at the university and is also their profile.

What goals do you hope to achieve by becoming a CDIO Member?
– The main goal we hope to achieve is satisfied students and engineers that are coveted from the employees. We are convinced that the work with CDIO will contribute to an apparent and pronounced pedagogic profile that will increase the engagement among the colleagues. With this we hope to achieve more satisfied co-workers. We also hope that the throughput will increase since the development of the learning assessments will support the leaning for students with a background from families with low formal education level. In addition we hope that, in the long run, the number of applications to the programs will increase.

Contact information
School profile: University West
CDIO primary contact: Ingrid Tano

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